This is a dataset that is collected on a location-based game for deploying Wireless Indoor Localization. Our main aim of the experiment is the evaluation of effectiveness of controlling game elements with the iterative data-driven feedback. This dataset includes not only training data for localization but also the game data such as how to control users and how users behaved. This experiments was conducted on six floors with about 60 meters by 70 meters in the University of Tokyo. We recruited 18 students as participants five weeks. The more details of the experiment are in our paper [1]. This dataset is made available under the Public Domain Dedication and License v1.0 whose full text can be found at:
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SCS-UT-2014-dataset: Location-Based Game Result for Wireless Indoor Localization Deployment
[1] Ryoma Kawajiri, Masamichi Shimosaka, Hisashi Kashima. Steered Crowdsensing: Incentive Design towards Quality-Oriented Place-Centric Crowdsensing. In Proceedings of the 2014 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp 2014) pp. 691–701, 2014.Related Project: